Yanalangami is a Darug Nations word meaning to walk together, me and you. Together as Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander women we are a movement, remembering our resilience and reclaiming our power.
Yanalangami is about creating a culturally safe space for women to share, connect, learn, heal and grow together. The program has been carefully created with and for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander women, bringing our passions and voices together to build networks of strength that support and grow strong women.
Strong Women, Strong Communities Program

My key takeaway from the first Yanalangami session was that this was a safe space to grow, share, and learn alongside other incredible First Nations women. I was incredibly impressed by the vulnerability in the facilitator’s stories and with the other women in the session. I appreciate that we can face our challenges and trauma and bring our full selves to learn and build.

It has been such a blessing to be a part of Yanalangami and be surrounded by such strong women with such big visions. It's been really inspiring and has pushed me so much to do my part. and push for what I'm passionate for & where I want change to happen.

I've really enjoyed this process... I've been able to connect more deeply with myself and with Culture as well. This program is really needed to help women step into their power.

We are doing this for ourselves and for our families because little eyes are always watching and learning from us.